Monday 1 June 2009

Well another day..

Well today we find ourselves a few days off the EU elections. I find myself wondering about how this all effects us. What sort of impact does this all have on the EU? What effect does this all have on each individual country within the EU? And, from my point of view anyway, Britain? How will this effect each of us as individuals?

Increasingly I find that people now days don't seem to follow or understand politics in the UK. I really think the politics are very disjointed from the people in Britain and they really don't understand that there Vote does count!! It has been a very strange phenomenon that could actually change British politics, the phenomenon of GREED!!! With all the MP's dirty laundry been hung out in the public eye, the people have been showing there discontent!! The politicians have realised how unhappy the public have become with them so are considering some drastic changes in Parliament.

I wonder with these changes whether the are changes that have now finally been realized that have to change or if they are just gimmicks by the current leading party's to keep the main vote! Many people have decided on a protest vote and are going to give it to one of the smaller party's. Unfortunately there are far to many people that don't actually know what these smaller party's stand for! There are a shocking number of people who would actually vote for the BNP!! Yet if they new what the party actually stood for they would try have them banned!! (I would if I could, the KKK are band in the states so there brother filth should be band here!!) There are a huge array of smaller party's to vote for which have better policies that actually make sense. If you really felt you have to do a protest vote to the right the whay not someone like the UKIP. My opinion is that there are a host of issues in the world more important than keeping my local pub a traditional english pub though. The of course there is also the Green Party on the left. My opinion is that this party actually have a really good understanding of policy and are actually talking of things that make a lot of sense, like using green incentives to create more jobs! Two things that should be on the top of our agenda in this day and age.

The other side of the coin of course is to Vote for the Lib Dems. This could bolster there popularity enough to actually have a fresh government. We havn't had a Lib Dem Governmnet in Britain yet, I sometimes wonder if this will be enough for them to capitilize on and gain a some spot light.

Anyway I think this next year will be interesting in politics.......

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